Contact information
Together with the Ombudsman for Children, the experts of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children promote the rights of children. On the administrative level, the Ombudsman operates in connection with the Ministry of Justice.

Contacting the Ombudsman for Children
Please read these instructions before contacting the Ombudsman for Children.

Legal protection
If you are dissatisfied with a decision or your treatment by the authorities, see this page for guidance on how to proceed.

Where to find help
On this page, you can find contact details for sources of support and assistance. The Ombudsman for Children does not have the authority to help individual families.

Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions from the Office of the Ombudsman for Children, and answers concerning various problematic situations involving children and young people.

Media bank
You can use the material in the media bank in interviews of the Ombudsman for Children, publications related to the Ombudsman’s activities or in other contexts related to the work of the Ombudsman, for instance.

Accessibility statement
Here you can find information on the accessibility statement. See also Act on the Provision of Digital Services.