Services and sources of assistance for children and families
On this page, the Office of the Ombudsman for Children has compiled a list of sources of support and additional information in difficult situations. Some of the organisations offer help in several languages. We recommend that you contact the organisation directly if you need more information on their services.
The Ombudsman for Children does not have the authority to resolve issues related to individual children or families, and the Ombudsman for Children cannot comment on such issues. If you are not satisfied with your decision or treatment, instructions on how to proceed are available here.
See below for more details on the help available. This list is not exhaustive. If you need guidance or assistance in the use on public services, you may contact the Public Service Info. Also see the answers to our frequently asked questions.
Call 112 in urgent situations where someone's life or health is at risk. You can either call 112 or use the 112 Finland application.
The social service and crisis helplines of municipalities and wellbeing services counties offer crisis support around the clock for shocking situations that require immediate assistance. You can find their telephone numbers on the website of the municipality or wellbeing service county, or by making an internet search for ”social service and crisis helpline” + the name of your municipality.
You can call the MIELI Mental Health Finland Crisis Helpline anonymously and confidentially. The Crisis Helpline can provide assistance when
there have been changes in your life that make you feel bad;
you have experienced something shocking;
you feel unable to cope with your fear, worries or sorrow by yourself;
you have thoughts of self-harm; or
you are concerned about someone close to you.
Municipalities have a statutory obligation to provide services for children, young people and families.
See your municipality's website for more information on the services.
If you do not know what service would help you or your family, you can ask the child health clinic, day care centre or pupil welfare at school, or contact your municipality's family social services or family centre. Some municipalities also employ a family service counsellor who you can turn to for advice.
Many municipalities have a Get help -button on their website for leaving your contact details so that the municipality can contact you.
Please remember: always call 112 in an emergency.
In addition to your family and intimates, you can also discuss your concerns with people such as the school curator, nurse, teacher or other reliable adult. The following telephone helplines, websites and chat services provide help and support to children and young people.
Nuortennetti (in Finnish) is a free service for children and young people, offered by the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL). You can write or call Nuortennetti, and a chat service is also available. In the service, children and young people can ask questions or talk about anything that is on their minds anonymously or confidentially.
The number of the helpline for children and young people is 116 111. This service offered by the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL) is available every day of the year. The calls are completely free of charge, and you can contact the helpline anonymously. Calls are not recorded.
The Family Federation of Finland's youth services can be found on the Young People website, featuring chat rooms, the Poikien puhelin helpline for boys and young men, as well as information on topics related to puberty, sexual wellbeing and relationships.
The Apuu chat is a nationwide forum for children aged 7–15. In the Apuu chat, you can discuss anything that is on your mind anonymously and confidentially. The chat is staffed by SOS-Lapsikylä employees and trained volunteers. The Apuu chat is available every day from 9 to 22.
The Sekasin chat is a national forum for young people aged 12–29. In the Sekasin chat, you can discuss anything that is on your mind anonymously and confidentially. The Chat is staffed by NGO employees and trained volunteers. The Sekasin chat is available from 9 to 24 on Mondays to Fridays and from 15 to 24 on Saturdays and Sundays.
You can seek help from Victim Support Finland if you have witnessed or fallen victim to a crime or attempted crime. You can contact Victim Support by telephone or via chat.
The Parliamentary Ombudsman supervises the realisation of the rights of children in Finland and processes complaints made by children and young people. Please contact the Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsman for instructions if you would like to file a complaint.
The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare's helpline, online message and chat service for parents is open to all parents. You can contact the service anonymously and confidentially about any issue related to parenting. There is also a wealth of material for the parents of children of all ages on MLL's website.
The Family Federation of Finland offers a variety of services and materials for parents and grandparents.
The Federation of Mother and Child Homes and Shelters offers divorce support services in Finnish for parents, children and young people.
Suomen Kasper ry offers divorce support services for children and young people, including children's divorce groups and divorce workshops for young people in Helsinki and online, as well as tips for talking about divorce with children and games related to the topic.
The Miessakit Association offers divorce services for men.
Many municipalities and parishes also offer divorce support services. Information on these services is available on their websites.
The Nollalinja helpline for adults is available 24/7 at 080 005 005. Calling is free of charge. Nollalinja also operates a chat service from 9 to 15 on weekdays. You can contact the service anonymously and confidentially.
The Online Shelter helps child victims and young victims of domestic violence.
The Turvakamu (Safe Friend) application offers information, companionship and safety to children through their mobile phones.
The Online Shelter and mother and child homes and shelters also help parents who have had violent thoughts or who have resorted to violence.
Also turn to your municipal services for help as soon as possible.
The Substance Abuse Counselling helpline of the Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention (EHYT) is available 24/7 at 0800 90045. Calling is free of charge. The helpline is staffed by professional substance abuse counsellors. Calling the helpline is anonymous and free of charge.
Fragile Childhood is a website and chat service for young people concerned or distressed by the alcohol use of an adult.
AddictionLink has compiled information on services for children and young people on its website.
The Nuortenlinkki website provides information in Finnish on intoxicants and sobriety, gaming, internet use, depression and bullying. The website is maintained by the A-Clinic Foundation.
Also turn to your municipal services for help as soon as possible.
Otamme osaa. Surun lisäksi huoltajalla on monia käytännön asioita hoidettavana vanhempansa menettäneeseen lapseen liittyen. Esimerkiksi etuuksista, perinnönjaosta ja lapsen asemasta kuolinpesän osakkaana, tuesta, avusta ja palveluista sekä kuolemasta kertomisesta lapselle on koottu opas
Lapsi tai nuori, voit jutella vanhempasi kuolemasta ja siihen liittyvistä asioista läheistesi lisäksi myös esimerkiksi koulukuraattorin, terveydenhoitajan, opettajan tai muun luotettavan aikuisen kanssa. He ohjaavat sinut myös tarvittaessa jonkun muun avun tai palvelun piiriin.
Lisäksi on olemassa seuraavia lapsille ja nuorille tarkoitettuja puhelinpalveluja, verkkosivustoja tai chattejä:
Nuortennetti on MLL:n tarjoama maksuton palvelu lapsille ja nuorille. Nuortennettiin voit soittaa, kirjoittaa tai chatata. Palvelussa voi kysyä nimettömänä tai keskustella luottamuksellisesti mistä tahansa mieltä askarruttavasta asiasta.
Lasten ja nuorten puhelin päivystää numerossa 116 111. MLL:n tarjoama puhelinpalvelu on avoinna vuoden jokaisena päivänä. Puhelu on ilmainen ja yhteyttä voi ottaa nimettömästi. Puheluita ei tallenneta.
Apuu-chat on valtakunnallinen keskustelualusta 7–15-vuotiaille. Apuu-chatissa voit keskustella mieltäsi askarruttavista kysymyksistä tai aiheista nimettömänä ja luottamuksellisesti. Chatissa päivystävät SOS-Lapsikylän ammattilaiset sekä koulutetut vapaaehtoiset. Apuu-chat on auki joka päivä klo 9–22.
Sekasin-chatissa on valtakunnallinen keskustelualusta 12–29-vuotiaille. Sekasin-chatissa voit keskustella mieltäsi askarruttavasta kysymyksistä tai aiheista nimettömänä ja luottamuksellisesti. Chatissa päivystävät järjestöjen ammattilaiset sekä koulutetut vapaaehtoiset. Sekasin-chat on auki ma–pe klo 9–24 ja la–su klo 15–24.
Vanhempi, jos tarvitset akuuttia kriisiapua, voit olla yhteydessä hyvinvointialueesi sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystykseen, joka antaa kriisiapua järkyttävissä ja akuuttia kriisi- tai sosiaalihuollon apua vaativissa tilanteissa ympäri vuorokauden. Numeron löydät kuntien ja hyvinvointialueiden verkkosivuilta tai hakukoneella hakusanalla ”sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystys” + kotikuntasi nimi.
Mieli ry:n Kriisipuhelin päivystää 24 h/vrk joka päivä numerossa 09 2525 0111. Voit soittaa nimettömästi ja luottamuksellisesti. Kriisipuhelin auttaa esimerkiksi silloin, kun
elämäsi on juuri muuttunut ja sinun on paha olla
olet kokenut järkyttävän tapahtuman
koet, ettet jaksa yksin pelon, huolen tai surun kanssa
sinulla on itsetuhoisia ajatuksia
olet huolissasi läheisestäsi.
Jos huoltajana koet, että sinä tai lapsesi tarvitsette läheisten lisäksi muuta tukea ja palvelua, voit olla yhteydessä hyvinvointialueesi sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon palveluihin. Jos et tiedä, mikä palvelu sinua tai perhettäsi auttaisi, voit kysyä apua neuvolasta, päiväkodista, koulun oppilashuollosta tai olla yhteydessä hyvinvointialueesi lapsiperheiden sosiaalityön palveluihin tai perhekeskukseen. Joissakin kunnissa tai hyvinvointialueilla työskentelee myös lapsiperheiden palveluohjaaja, jolta voit kysyä neuvoa. Monilla kunnilla tai hyvinvointialueilla on verkkosivuilla hae apua -nappi, jonne voit jättää yhteystietosi, ja sinuun ollaan yhteydessä.
Nuoret Lesket ry tarjoaa vertaistukea leskille ja leskiperheille. Myös esimerkiksi seurakunnat saattavat järjestää sururyhmiä lapsille tai aikuisille.