Duties of the Ombudsman for Children
The Ombudsman for Children is building a good and fair society for children together with other parties. The work of the Ombudsman for Children is guided by the Act on the Ombudsman for Children (1221/2004). The work is based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Ombudsman for Children
The Ombudsman for Children is an autonomous and independent authority.
Elina Pekkarinen acts as the Ombudsman for Children. She started in the office on 1 May 2019.

Child Advisory Board
The Ombudsman for Children is supported by the Child Advisory Board. The Finnish Government has appointed a Child Advisory Board in order to promote the position and rights of children and cooperation between authorities related to them.

Young advisers
It is important that parents and decision-makers hear about the everyday lives and experiences of children and young people. The Ombudsman for Children finds out the opinions of children and forwards them to the decision-makers. Children and young people act as advisers ("Nuoret neuvonantajat") in the work of the Ombudsman for Children.

Strategies and action plans
The strategy of the Ombudsman for Children specifies the goals concerning e.g. functionality and effectiveness. The action plan tells how to reach these goals. The focus areas are determined annually.

Reports to Parliament
Every four years, the Ombudsman for Children presents the Finnish Parliament with a report concerning matters related to the Ombudsman’s area of responsibility. The report provides the Parliament with an overview on the position of children and realisation of their rights in Finland.

Annual Reports
The Ombudsman for Children submits an annual report on its activities to the Government. The Annual Report assesses the realisation and development of children’s rights and their living conditions in Finland. In addition, every four years the Ombudsman for Children submits a report to the Parliament assessing the Finnish legislation in relation to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.